Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today, on Veteran's Day, I'm obviously thankful for all the brave men and women who sacrifice(d) their lives to defend our country by protecting and serving to provide freedom for all of us.  They are true heroes who deserve so much more than they receive!  And let us not forget their families, too.  They are also brave and self-less as they let their loved ones go!  True heroes, each and every one of them.  I pray for blessings for all Veterans and their families, whether they still remain with us or have gone before us.

Veteran's Day also has another very special meaning for me and my family.  Today we celebrate my wonderful father's birthday.  Over the decades of my life (there have been a few...), all the memories I have of my Dad are so fond.  He's been one of my heroes!  I've always felt safe growing up and knowing my dad was there to protect us, he could build anything, he could repair anything, he was the perfect example showing me and my sisters that hard work pays off and that you always give 110% to anything and every thing you do.  He taught us to recycle long before it was the "in" thing to do, he raised our own food on our farm organically (and still does!) and we ate like queens!  He loves us unconditionally, he taught us about our faith and was, and remains, a living example of how to live our faith.  I make him sound perfect, yet I know he's not.  He's made some mistakes and still does occasionally, but he tries and that's worth more than gold!  It's not easy being the only guy in a house full of gals and there were many times when we put him through the paces.  It made us all stronger in the end and only strengthened our bonds of love!

Garden planting day!  Dad with my two kids after planting potatoes.

Now that we're all grown up, we still go to Dad for help and he's always there for us.  He's retired from working many long, hard years at General Motors and is now working hard on his farm.  We love going to the farm to see him and Grandma and my kids think it's the best place in the world to be.  He's the best Grandpa and my kids adore him and love him to pieces!  

Even though my parents don't have a computer with an internet connection, I want to wish my Daddy a very happy birthday:  Happy Birthday, Dad!  I love you!  

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