Friday, November 9, 2012

Funny Memories

They happen to us A LOT.  At any given moment of any given day.  When they happen to me, I swear that it was so darn funny I'll never forget it.  But the next day or week comes along and guess what?  This crazy, busy, working 3 jobs, mother of an extremely active pre-teen and teenager who are involved in sports, after school activities, faith formation classes and hanging with friends and the MOMMY taxi for it all can't even remember what day it is at times let alone what happened yesterday or last week!

My mission?  Write it down (and throw in a current picture of the child who said it!) so that days, weeks, years and even decades from now, we can look back upon these fun days and laugh together.  My dear cousin, Karen, just shared one of the funniest stories I've heard in a long time that she said I could share here with you:

I just finished tucking in Laurel and Charli, and Laurel says "Mom, I'm sorry I told you earlier today those jeans made your butt look bad while we were shopping. I thought it was the jeans. I didn't really know your legs were shaped that way." Silence. The bed is shaking. Then, "Mom, are you crying? Or are you laughing?"

Laughing. Laughing my funny looking butt off! Thanks for the apology, Laurel!

(Karen, you are awesome for sharing this!  Thank you!)

Now who hasn't heard the honest (I say this word facetiously), funny truth from your children? I hear it almost every day but I fail to write it all down.  SO!  I told you my mission:  I'm going to write these funnies down, put them in a book with my photographs and make an album out of them when I have enough (which quite honestly shouldn't take too long with my kids!). What do you plan to do with all the funny things you hear?

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